Reflective commentary.
Reflective commentary.
Topic: Choose any two counselling therapies and explain how each approach fits with your personality or values.”
Reflective practice enables the counsellor to identify and address any professional issues or concerns that may impact the counselling relationship. It also protects the counsellor from developing an overly simplistic and rigid approach to therapy whereby the systematic application of techniques drives the application of professional knowledge. However, reflective practice is not only limited to one’s professional practice, but extends to the counsellor and an engagement with the personal self. Looking inward at one’s own personal qualities, strengths, limitations, biases, etc is paramount to ensure effective counselling practice.
In this assessment, you will need to choose any two counselling therapies and explain how each approach fits with your personality, values or experience.
Your need to explain how and why the two selected theories ‘fit’ with your personality, values and what it is that makes these therapies resonate for you. You are given a lot of choice about the focus and content of the commentary.
1. the two counselling therapies chosen are:
o Person-centred therapy
o Cognitive behaviour therapy
1. You can discuss the therapies from a general perspective (e.g., the underlying premise or philosophy of the therapy) or focus on any specific aspect of the therapy (e.g., goals of the therapy, a particular technique used).
2. You can either choose any two therapies from the same perspective (e.g., psychoanalytical and Adlerian therapy) or from different perspectives (e.g., behaviour therapy and person-centred therapy).
3. Your choice of personality, values or experience can either be the same or different for the two selected counselling therapies.
Assessment guidelines
The reflective commentary should be formatted according to APA standards, that is, the writing style described in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th ed.). This is discussed in the recommended textbook by Findlay (2015).
your reflective commentary should adhere to the same basic academic conventions as for an essay, with a few notable exceptions or points to emphasise:
• Full introduction and conclusion sections are not required given the small word limit, however a few brief contextual statements at the start and end of the piece will enhance the clarity and cohesion of your work.
• The bulk of the words should be used in the main body of the assignment with relevant content presented to address the topic.
• In text citations and a list of references are required to acknowledge all sources.
• It is acceptable to only cite your textbook, although you are permitted to include additional references to support your points as required. There is no expectation that the reference list will be comprehensive or go beyond your textbook.
• Your commentary must be well structured and organised in a way that demonstrates a logical sequence of ideas.
• Ensure theory and your personal experiences are integrated throughout the text. Do not simply write one paragraph about a theory and a separate paragraph on your personal attributes, values.
• Give examples to how this relates to real life as this is a reflective assignment the focus should be on yourself, with reference to the literature only to support your statements
• Try and integrate the two counselling therapies as you explain how each approach fits with either your personality, values or experience. You can even compare and contrast how the two selected therapies fit with your personality, values or experience if you are feeling comfortable and ambitious enough!
• The writing style must be clear and succinct, demonstrating an excellent command of prose and correct grammar/spelling.
• It is acceptable to include personal and subjective comments and use personal pronouns, such as “I think”, “I feel” or “I believe”. In fact, past (e.g., I felt), present (e.g., Cann (2015) argues that..) and future tense (e.g., I hope he will not be …..) are all acceptable in reflective writing, as long as you demonstrate the correct use of tense throughout. Just avoid overly emotive and subjective terminology as this is still an academic piece of writing.
References to use for this assessment
Corey, G. (2013). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy. Pacific Grove, CA:Brooks/Cole Pub. Co.
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